Saturday, July 21, 2007

Day Two - July 2 - Living a Nightmare

July 2

We had about 3 hours of fitfull rest. At about 8:00 a.m. a team of four doctors came in and explained that he had mass on his right kidney and a spot on each lung. The doctors said that the mass and the spots were resembling Wilms Tumor (cancer) in stage four. They would have to do surgery to take a biopsy of the mass. They said that they could not take the kidney out because the tumor was the size of a baseball and that removing the kidney and tumor would compromise the surrounding organs. They would also have to wait for the official oncology report from the COG (Childrens Oncology Group). Tears started flowing.

Deana and I could not help each other because each of us was so scared and traumatized by all of the news. We did not know how to comfort one another.

The only thing we had was The Lord Jesus Christ. We turned to our Bibles and hugged each other and cried.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are in my Prayers and know that God is an awesome God and your health is in His control, LEAN ON HIM!!!!