Tuesday, October 23, 2007

14 Week Check Up

Prayer Request: Joshua has a radiation check up this Friday(10/26/07) and
chemotherapy on Monday (10/29/07). PLEASE PRAY that the
Lord will have his lungs clear of any cancer cells OR that
the CT scans will show "stuff" that needs to be seen and
addressed in his body. "Now to HIM who is able to do
beyond what we can think or even imagine..."

Monday's chemotherapy chemical is the one that makes him
really sick. We would ask that we could make it to Pendleton
(3 1/2 hrs)before the throwing up starts or not throw up at all.

Note: Joshua is starting to take really long naps in the afternoon.
His body is obviously needing more rest.
He has complained of some aches and pains, nothing too serious.

Praises: His weight has been holding steady. His hair is starting to
grow back. It is really soft blonde hair. He has had two really
good weeks.

Words cannot express how we feel...All of you out there in Tennessee..."Friends of Joshua"...Mark Clark and family and company...We just received a FED EX box in the
mail...we are truly grateful...You have half of the U.S. involved...THANK YOU...May the LORD bless you and keep you and make HIS face shine upon you...We don't know if we will ever get to see some of you or thank you personally this side of eternity...Glenn and Deana


Anonymous said...

So happy to be a part of your lives..we are truly the blessed ones in this whole deal. You are all so far away, yet we have become so close in so many ways. We continue to pray for all of you...healing in that little body. I still believe that little man will have one heck of a testimony to tell and share. Keep the faith...God is in control.
Love you all very much.

Your cousin Laura in SD

grandma gladys said...

I can hardly wait to see you this Saturday, you will be so handsome in your tux walking down the isle with thr ring pillow. Remember we get to go shoping afterwards. Papa and I pray for you, Silas, Isaac, Mom and Dad every day. These treatments will soon be over and you will be through with everything. We love you. See you Saturday. Love Grandma J and Papa

Anonymous said...

Good aricle in the EO today, I miss you and Joshua in Rainbows class, you and your family have been in our thoughts and prayers throughout- and will remain in our thoughts and prayers. Great to see all the support you have, I know God will bring you through.
Janelle Gau

Anonymous said...

Glenn and Deana-
I just read the article in the EO and wanted to let you know I'll be praying for you all. Give each other a hug for me.


Linda said...

Glen,Deanna, and Joshua,
I was reading a shared copy of the EO the other day and saw the article about Joshua. It's great we know who is in control and the sustainer of all things, otherwise this would be really hard to handle. You look like a brave family. I'll keep you in my prayers. Remember Isaiah 40:11 "He will tend his flock like a shephered. He carries the lambs in his arms close to his heart. He gently leads those that have young." (That's you - what a promise to be held close to his heart!)
Lon had cancer this spring and was off work for 3 months. We're trusting for complete healing with him also.
I'll commit to pray often.
Your former colleague from PJHS :) and a friend
Linda Lemkau in Coeur d'alene