Saturday, October 6, 2007

Chemotherapy Continues

Sorry for the long break.

Joshua had chemotherapy on September 24. They changed his regimen to every three weeks. He had spells of nauseau the week of the 24 and then felt much better. He has complained of stomach aches and chest aches. These are probably side effects of the radiation. His weight is holding steady. He is now losing his eye lashes and eyebrows. The doctors say he is still really coordinated for having been through 12 weeks of chemo and radiation.

Trying to adjust to home life again after having been gone for 6 weeks. Glenn is back teaching and he says his feet hurt (you big baby). Deana is trying to get caught up with laundry. Everybody is happy to be home. God is so good to us!!! We are trusting in the promise..."consider the plans I have for you declares the Lord, to give you a hope and future, plans to prosper you and not for calamity...Thank you Lord!!!

Joshua has chemotherapy on Monday, October 8. He will get a double dose. Please pray that we get home before he throws up OR no throwing up at all...that would be nice.

Thank you for your prayers, thoughts, cards, have given us strength and encouragement on this journey with our son. May the Lord bless you all...Amen.


Anonymous said...

We are so glad to see you, our neighbors coming and going daily now. We have missed each of you. It got lonely without you up on the hill. Our prayers continue for Josh and for each of you. As you know you have all become very special to us. Continue to let us be there for you.
We love you,
Alan, Brenda & Kyle

Mark Clark said...

Hi Joshua, You continue to be an inspiration to all of us here in TN. Hang in there and we hope your last treatmnet went ok on the 8th. We are praying for you. We can't wait to see how well you are doing at the next fmily reunion!
God Bless
Mark, Sara, Zane, Tina,Zander, Deklan,

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. Joshua is always a part of our daily prayers. His pictures look great. Quite the handsome guy. The Johnston family is never far from our thoughts. Keep praying and God will handle the rest.

Satrum Family said...

hello all! Karl stocker let us know of all that is going on with your family and joshua....the boys have been praying faithfully every night for joshua and you can know that once they start, they don't stop until God answers!! Please feel free to stop by or call when you're in the area, we would LOVE to see you...really....God is faithful....I will put joshua and the family on our prayer line...blessings..